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Price match guarantee

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Just Book It Travel has a "Price Match Guarantee" policy. If you find a cheaper rate, please email a screenshot of the comparable itinerary to your Just Book It Travel coordinator.

If it's a block-to-block trip, WE WILL EARN the lowest rate. Make sure your screenshot includes all pertinent information such as: flight times, flight fare category, ground transportation, hotel room category, and whether or not the trip is "non-refundable." Sometimes it is possible to find "non-refundable" trips that are cheaper, but require full non-refundable upfront payments (no payment plan options). It is also very common to find itineraries with flights that contain restrictions that do not allow you to select your seats with your travel companion or before boarding. Be very careful when comparing rates online to ensure that you are booked in the main cabin.

Just Book It Travel tries to find the lowest possible fare with the ability to make a flexible payment plan arrangement, the ability to pre-select flight seats, and with refundable options in the event of an emergency.

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